Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Street Art in Vitry, France

Walking around in the main streets of Vitry, I’m happy to admire street art exhibits by street artists from different countries such as C215, PixelPancho, and Joseph Loughborough, Ben Slow. All this set up by Vitry Jam – on their site one can see the artwork by different artists and there is a “shop page”. The paintings are very often drawn on mail boxes or walls. 
Vitry is a town that can be easily reached coming from Paris - it's a 15 minutes bus ride from the metro Porte de Choisy or two train stations away from Bibliothèque François Mitterrand by RER C line. We also have a contemporary art museum called the MACVAL (website in English available).

Afficher Street Art à Vitry sur une carte plus grande

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