Thursday, January 13, 2011

Galette des Rois, Epiphany

We love the Galette des Rois! Normally on the occasion of Epiphany people will share this delicious puff pastry filled with frangipane in which a bean or a porcelain figurine is hidden. 
Guess who popped out of our Galette des Rois this year!!!!! Yes Homer Simpson himself... In our boulangeries here in France, the Galette des Rois is sold as from early December till right in the middle of January.
Besides the traditional frangipane galette, one can also buy apple or pear and chocolate galettes and other varieties as well. We much prefer the frangipane one. 

Since I didn't take a photo of the Galette itself, here's a link to France Monthly magazine page for the Galette recipe. 

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