Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vitry famous for its street art, come visit!

I wanted to point out an article on Le Parisien Val de Marne on my town Vitry as a renowned street art town...

Article Here...

In brief, you will see in Vitry more than 400 paintings, from around 50 artists who come from all over Europe to paint in Vitry and even from South America... Aren't we a privileged bunch of people here?

I'm on my way to the town's annual Lilac Festival - yesterday we had Michel Fugain, French singer, who gave a concert in the park behind my house and the night ended by fabulous fireworks...  Today we have local organisations in the park showcasing their work and selling stuff and food to fund their activities. It's a great way to see what's going on in different areas of the town - helping the poor, dance or music activities, sewing, children's activities etc. etc. It all ends by a parade in the afternoon... that will be in another post!

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