Friday, November 4, 2011

Mini Pizzas...

I've decided to try making mini pizzas and they were just perfect as appetizers for a little dinner we had with some friends. In fact I didn't use pizza / bread dough but instead a pate brisée - shortcrust pastry. I made some tomato sauce that we call rougaille in Mauritius. Used a glass to make nice round mini pizzas, spread some tomato sauce, fried onion, sardines-pilchard and grated cheese.
One thing about sardines is that since I'm a child I've always loved eating sardines - usually with piment confi - small pickled chili! So simple and yet delicious!!!! Only problem as I was a kid is that I didn't know how to open the cans - at the time we needed a can opener and that was too hard for me... always had to rely on my mum to open my sardines can!

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