Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fete des Lilas, town festival

I'm going through my photos and can finally put some of them online. They are from last Sunday (May 29) from the town festival, La Fête des Lilas, in Vitry where we live. One interesting part of it is of course the food stands. This year we had Brazilian food - I had beef brochette with chips and my husband had chicken brochette which consisted of 3 chicken wings on a skewer. The young ones went for chicken pie and some beef fritters. I found my beef brochette to taste good... For dessert we had some Mont Blanc cake and coconut ice cream from the Martinique stand... Nice picnic under the sun, perfect Sunday afternoon indeed!

I forgot to mention the churros from Spanish stand which came in a paper cone with the American flag and an Indian headdress ... My dessert photos aren't very good as we were eating while we strolled around... The Mont Blanc cake is a sort of sponge cake with grated coconut on top and coconut cream in between the layers. It tasted good. I brought some home for my tea. Last year we ate the Bokit, a fried bread filled with meat and vegetables from the Martinique stand.

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