Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Robin Hobb in Paris today!

For all Robin Hobb's fans, she'll be at the FNAC bookstore St Lazare in Paris for some signing today at 6 p.m. Snif.. I won't be able to go there as I'm working and I guess there will be crowds of people to greet her. So welcome to Paris Robin Hobb and thanks for the great work!
The worlds she creates are so wonderful and the characters so "real" that when I start one of her books, I will use every spare time available to read and read and read... Luckily enough I discovered her recently as I'm a recent fantasy reader and did not have to wait for months the get yet the next publication of the Farseer Trilogy or the Liveship Traders Trilogy... I haven't read Soldier Son's Trilogy - I'm keeping it for summer vacations. My daughter has bought them already.
One thing publishing foreign books here in France that's not nice is the fact that publishers will take a trilogy and split it up in several volumes... yes it's all for the money they can make... So the Farseer Trilogy represents in fact 6 volumes in the French edition, while The Liveship Traders Trilogy comes into 9 volumes and then the Tawny Man Trilogy is 7 more books. Same thing applies for a lot of foreign books, and it costs a fortune for us readers and would take up a lots of place on your bookshelves. As for our home, we bought a couple of volumes and finally read the books from the municipal library - we have a great library... I've ordered the French version of The Rain Wild Chronicles and I guess the library will be buying them pretty soon as they have many Robin Hobb fans!
Here's Robin Hobb's page at Amazon

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