Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fete des Lilas... stands, food, swan...

During our annual festival, it's time to get together, see what's going on in Vitry and find information about the numerous local organisations. This "village des associations" takes place in our Parc Joliot Curie. So here is a shot of our swan family with baby swans... and photos of the various stands. There were also 2 podiums where music and dance representations took place throughout the day. You can see some people dancing in the following pictures.

Some dancing...

This is the town stand. Some years they focus on recycling which I find great. So this year it was about the 50th anniversary of the Fête des Lilas.

From time to time the wind would change and the people on the lawn would receive all the smoke coming from the food stands!!!

Swan family :)

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