Monday, April 11, 2011

Play by Marivaux

Oh I'm back online and had been quite busy once again... So let's see end of March we went to the theater in a nearby town and saw a play by Marivaux "Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard"... "The Game of Love and Chance" where young gentleman Dorante comes to visit his betrothed. Not sure whether she will please him, he decides to swap places with his valet. Same thing happens with the young lady, Sylvia. The game is to observe and assess... Luckily for all parties, the valet falls in love with Lisette, the servant. And the real bourgeois falls in love with Sylvia...  At the end, let's say "Ouf" in French... or "phew" in English ?!

A very funny play, the theater was packed and we had a lovely time... My daughter joined the theater club at her  high school and she's quite fond of this activity and it's a good opportunity to see professionals in action.

The stage was inclined and there were these doors that opened and the furniture and set popped out for each scene. It was an interesting idea and I guess somewhat challenging for the artists who had to run and walk on a slope during two hours.

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